On July 24, 2016 Hopson Boutot preached his first sermon to the congregation of Poquoson Baptist Church. It was a "Sermon in View of the Call" , which means it is based upon this sermon and the information supplied to the church by the Pastor Search Team, that the church was asked to pray and would that evening vote whether or not to call Hopson Boutot as the new lead Pastor at Poquoson Baptist Church. It would also be after that vote, if more than 2/3 of voting members voted to call, that Hopson Boutot would decide whether to accept the call. More than 80 voting members voted unanimously to extend the call, and Hopson Boutot accepted to become the 4th Lead Pastor (5 total Pastorates) in the 35+ year history of Poquoson Baptist. To God Alone be All Glory for the Great Things He has and will do.