For those of us who spend time on the web over the weekends, consider using at least some of your time to grow in your knowledge of God’s Word and His world. Here’s a brief, curated list of videos and articles that I found helpful this past week. Enjoy!
In case you haven’t had time to get ready for tomorrow’s sermon on the book of Zephaniah, consider checking out one of the resources I referenced in this article.
Here’s a helpful article that recaps some of the happenings at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Four reasons Christians should still oppose same-sex marriage
“A recent Gallup poll finds that support for same-sex marriage has reached an all-time high. Currently, 70% of Americans say marriages between same-sex couples should be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages.” This article helps us think through how to respond in Christian love.