For those of us who spend time on the web over the weekends, consider using at least some of your time to grow in your knowledge of God’s Word and His world. Here’s a brief, curated list of videos and articles that I found helpful this past week. Enjoy!
In case you haven’t had time to get ready for tomorrow’s sermon on the book of Haggai, consider checking out one of the resources I referenced in this article.
What’s the future of the global religious landscape?
The ERLC comments on a recent report from the Pew Center about global religious projections. Most troubling was the projection that “no religious group will lose more adherents to ‘switching,’ or leaving one’s faith tradition for another belief system, than Christianity.” We should not bury our heads in the sand at news like this, but neither should we give ourselves to anxious hand-wringing. The gates of hell will not prevail against Christ’s church.
Why We Opposed an Anti-Abortion Resolution at the Southern Baptist Convention
I appreciated this analysis on a recent resolution passed by the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention. I too opposed this resolution for the same reasons. This is a helpful read if you want to think through not only what we believe but how we pursue those goals. I abhor abortion as the greatest injustice in our world. And yet, how we oppose it matters.
Host as You Are: Practicing Hospitality as a Family
Few people write better about the beauty and necessity of hospitality than Rosaria Butterfield.