This week we’ve learned that sin is like appetite-spoiling junk food that must be put away if we want to hunger for God and His Word. Like junk food it tastes good in the short-term but hurts you in the long-term. So part of the Christian life is learning to put away our sin so that we can feed on the goodness of Jesus. But don’t think that you’re exchanging the Mega Stuffed Oreos of sin for the kale and spaghetti squash of holiness.
Remember 1 Peter 2:3: if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good. THE LORD IS GOOD! God is not a healthier, bland substitute for the far more appetizing fare of sin. He is far more glorious!
So yes, put away the junk food of sin that spoils your appetite for Christ. But then taste Christ!!! Look to Jesus!!! Richard Baxter says this to the Christian who’s seeking to fight His sin:
“Do not overlook the miracle of love that God has shown us in the wonderful incarnation, office, life, death, resurrection, ascension, and reign of our Redeemer. Rather, steep your thoughts most of all in these wonders of mercy, ordained by God to be the primary substance of your thoughts. You should rationally bring to mind many thoughts about Christ and grace for each one you list about your sin and misery. God requires you to see your sin and misery, but in a manner that tends to magnify the remedy and to cause you to embrace it. Never think of sin and hell alone, but as the way to thoughts of Christ and grace. This is the duty of even the worst of us. Are your sins ever before you? Why not also the pardoning grace in Christ?”[i]
[i] As quoted in Michael S. Lundy and J.I. Packer, Depression, Anxiety, and the Christian Life: Practical Wisdom from Richard Baxter (Wheaton: Crossway, 2018), 91. Emphasis added.